Joseph "Joey" Gaskin II
Former lecturer at The College of the Bahamas, motivational speaker, writer, political strategist, trainer, community activist.
- Doctoral Degree candidate in Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2015- Present
- Former adjunct faculty teaching Sociology at the College of The Bahamas, Faculty of Social and Educational Studies, 2012-2015
- Organizing and training consultant for the Bahamas National HIV/AIDS Center, 2015
- Strategic communications consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
- Group facilitator at the 19th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers, 2015
- Presenter at TEDx Grand Bahama speaking on the topic "Once and Future Histories: Colonialism, Development and Imagination," 2104 (See video)
- Earned a Master of Science Degree in Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2011 and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Politics from Ithaca College in 2006.
- Trainer, mentor and counselor for the Mosaic Youth Group in London, 2011-2012
- Diversity student coordinator and interned for the Human Rights Campaign, an organization out of Washington, D.C., 2006-2010
- Bahamas Sexual Health and Rights Organization Board member
- Bahamas AIDS Foundation volunteer
- Research publications include: "Buggery and the Commonwealth Caribbean: A Comparative Examination of the Bahamas, and Trinidad and Tobago," and "Re-inventing Racism: Racist Constructions of Sexuality, the 'Down Low,' and Liberalism."
- Columnist for the Bahamas Weekly, Nassau Liberal, and Tribune.
- CEO of MOJO's Restaurant and Bar, New Providence
Born: February 6th, 1986
Age: 30
Schools: Mary Star of the Sea, and Freeport Anglican High
Email: jgaskinsjr@gmail.com