Students will examine different theoretical frameworks and study the contributions of selected nurse theorists. Concepts of person, health, nursing and environment are explored from a variety of theoretical perspectives.
Nursing Theory e-Books are available on EBSCOhost by selecting the Health and Medicine collection
Powers, B.A., & Knapp, T.R. (2005). A dictionary of nursing theory and research. (3rd ed.). Springer. *eBOOK on CREDO Reference and in EBSCO eBook collection,
Smith, M. C. & Parker, M. E. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice. (4th ed.). F.A. Davis. 978-0803-633124 HBL Reserve RT84.5 N8793 2015
Supplementary Readings
Alligood, M. R. (2013). Nursing theory: Utilization & application. (5th ed.). Elsevier. HBL RT84.5 .N94 2014
Alligood, M. R. (2018). Nursing theorists and their work. (9th ed.). Elsevier Mosby. HBL RESERVE RT84.5 .N9 2018
Andrist, L.C. (2006). A history of nursing ideas. Jones & Bartlett.
George, J. B. (2011). Nursing theories: The base for professional nursing practice. (6th ed.). Prentice Hall. HBL RT84.5 N89 2011
Johnson, B. M. & Webber, P. B. (2015). An introduction to theory and reasoning in nursing. (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health. HBL RT84.5 J637 2015
Kearney-Nunnery, R. (2016). Advancing your career: Concepts of professional nursing. (6th ed.). F.A. Davis. HBL RT82 K39 2016
Meleis, A. I. (2018). Theoretical nursing: Development and progress. (6th ed..). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. HBL RT84.5 M45 2018
Sitzman, K. & Eichelberger, L. W. (2017). Understanding the work of nurse theorists: A creative beginning. (3rd ed). Jones and Bartlett. HBL RT84.5 .S53 2017
Search CINAHL for authoritative, scholarly articles on nursing theories.
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Journal of Nursing Scholarship
Journal of Theory Construction & Testing
Nursing Science Quarterly
Hilda Bowen Library has a comprehensive set of DVDs which chronicle the life and work of nurse theorists - these include: Betty Neuman, Callista Roy, Dorothea Oren, Dorothy Johnson, Florence Nightingale, Hildegarde Peplau, Ida Orlando Pelletier, Imogene King, Jean Watson, Madeleine Leininger, Margaret Newman, Martha Rogers, Reva Rubin, Rosemarie Parse and Virginia Henderson.
Helene Fuld Health Trust. (2002). Callista Roy: Roy adaptation model of nursing. [DVD]. Athens, Ohio : Fitne, Studio Three Productions, a division of Samuel Merritt College of Nursing. RT84.5 .C255 2002
University of San Diego. Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science. (2018). The nursing theory page.
Nursing Theory.