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Agriculture: Articles & Journals

This subject guide will help you to learn about the library's resources on Agriculture. It includes links to books, articles, databases, websites, and other information sources.


To find articles, try using one of the library’s journal databases.  EBSCOhost contains a variety of databases containing current journal articles. 

Good EBSCO databases to try:

  • Academic Search Complete
  • GreenFile
  • Caribbean Search 
  • Health Business Elite 
  • Health Source: Nursing\Academic Edition 

Using the subject/subject term/thesaurus link to browse the subject "agriculture" to view subject headings available within the above database.

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) - Virtual Library

Using the Advanced Search option in EDS, you can limit your search results to the Agriculture & Agribusiness discipline by selecting the check box before searching using "agriculture" as a subject term.


JSTOR offers databases containing older journal articles. 

JSTOR only supports keyword searching.  There are no subject headings in JSTOR.  If you want to search an exact phrase (such as “organic farming”), be sure to enclose it in quotation marks.  Otherwise, JSTOR’s search engine will not search for these words as a phrase.

You can refine your search by selecting a discipline or journal. 

Bahamian Articles

For Bahamas-specific information, try searching for articles from local newspapers. 

The Nassau Guardian offers an online archive of all its articles dating back to 2002.  As with JSTOR, you will need to search for articles by using keywords.  You will likely need to try a variety of keywords to be sure you are not missing relevant articles.  You can find this archive by visiting and by clicking on the tab for “Archives.”

The Tribune offers more limited archives.  It can be found at