Articles are typically the most important type of source for many types of research. The most efficient way to find articles on a topic is to search a database, which allows you to search for articles from hundreds of journals at once. Each database searches different sets of journals, so usually you'll want to search those databases that are related to your topic.
The University of The Bahamas Libraries subscribe to many databases giving you access to the contents of nearly 100,000 journals. All databases can be accessed from off campus using your University of The Bahamas Webmail Address and password.
There are over 25 EBSCOhost databases available:
Academic Search Ultimate indexes nearly 10,000 full-text periodicals..
CINAHL® Ultimate is a collection of full text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text forover 1000 nursing and allied health journals.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
This database provides nearly 550 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines.
International Pharmaceutical Abstracts
This database includes information from over 750 pharmaceutical, medical, and health-related journals published worldwide since 1970, covering the entire spectrum of drug therapy and pharmaceutical information including current health-related drug literature.
MEDLINE Ultimate provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and pharmacology. MEDLINE Ultimate uses MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) indexing with a hierarchy, subheadings and explosion capabilities to search citations.
EBSCO's EDS allows "google-type" searching across all electronic resources that the University of The Bahamas Libraries subscribe to: all EBSCOHost databases, COBWEB, the online catalogue, all e-Book sources, all JSTOR journals, and other open access journal databases.
Using the Advanced Search option in the EDS you can limit searches to resources related to your topic.
The Pubmed database is freely available online. It provides links to open content.
Learn to search Pubmed by viewing this video,
A search using Google Scholar can yield excellent results. You can limit search results to locally-available resources by selecting Settings and Library Links and entering University of The Bahamas in the library access links box and saving your settings.
There are many definitions of grey literature, but it is usually understood to mean literature that is not formally published in sources such as books or journal articles. It may be described as ephemeral, invisible, informal, underground, etc., that is, literature that may be unevaluated, not peer-reviewed.
Grey Literature exists in many formats: reports-including preprints; preliminary progress and advanced reports; institutional, internal, technical, and statistical reports; research memoranda; state-of-the-art reports; market research reports; reports of commissions and study groups; as well as
* theses
* conference proceedings
* technical specifications and standards
* translations (not distributed commercially)
* bibliographies
* technical and commercial documentation
* official documents (issued in limited numbers)