Office of Information Technology (OIT) - For assistance, contact OIT at (242) 688-5922 or IT Help Desk at ithelpdesk@cob.edu.bs
Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) - Is an online library catalog/database of materials held by COB Libraries. You can search the library catalog to locate books and other material available at the Northern Bahamas Campus Library (NBCL).
Paper Cutter - Computer Room, Library
Passwords, Students (for printing) - Library | Office of Information Technology | Campus Life
Pencil Sharpener - Student Resource Station, Library
Photocopier (Students) - Computer Room, Library | Black & White ONLY)
Physical Plant (Maintenance Department) - For assistance, contact the Department at (242) 688-5930.
President's Scholar Programme Application Form
Printing - Students use their COB print account for black & white and color printing. Students can recharge their print accounts at the Business Office and must present a receipt to OIT Department for processing. Printers are located in the Library and GBPA Resource Center.
Projector, Data - Available at the Circulation Desk (CAMPUS USE ONLY)
Projector, Overhead - Available at the Circulation Desk (CAMPUS USE ONLY)
Purchase Suggestion Form, Library
Records Office - For assistance, contact Records at (242) 688-5932
Reference Collection - This collection is comprised of over 200 non-circulating titles including general and subject encyclopedias, directories, digests, indexes, and dictionaries.
Registration, Hold & Stop Messages
Registration, Online Instructions
Research Consultation Form - For in-depth research needs, make an appointment to the see the Campus Librarian for help.
Research Consultation, Library - Drop by to see us to get help with citations, locating hard-to-find materials, developing research strategies for your topic, using databases, and more.
Reserve Collection - Library and other materials for specific courses are placed on restricted loan by lecturers to make them available to students on an equitable basis. This collection is located at the Circulation Desk. Some materials are available on 2-hour, in-Library loan; others are available for overnight or three-day loan.