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NUTR 100 : Nutrition for Nurses: Nutrition - Bahamas

Websites with Bahamas Nutrition Information

Global Nutrition reports: Bahamas

FAO. Country nutrition profiles: Bahamas. (2010).


Bahamas Dietary Guidelines

Publications about nutrition in the Bahamas

Tejerina , L/. Pérez-Cuevas R., Adderley, B., Delevaux, C., Braithwaite, N., Kuster, R., Osorio, I., & García, G.. (2018, January). Associated factors of healthy lfestyle in the Bahamas (IDB-TN-1349). Inter-American Development Bank.


Bahamas Ministry of Health. (1991). National Health and Nutrition Survey, 1988-1989.

The new dietary guidelines for the Bahamas. (2002).