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NUTR 100 : Nutrition for Nurses: Home

NUTR 100 Course Description and Outline

In this course students are introduced to the principles of nutrition and their relationship to health and well-being.


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the principles of nutrition;

2. Discuss safety and sanitation procedures for handling, preparing, storing and serving food;

3. Identify diets designed to meet specific nutritional needs;

4. Discuss factors that influence nutrition and food practices in The Bahamas; and

5. Utilize principles of nutrition to plan a healthful diet.


1. Introduction

a. Overview of functions of food; b. Body structure and function;  c. Energy for life; d. Pleasures of eating

2. Cultural Food Guide Drum

a. Bread, cereal, rice, pasta group; b. Vegetable group; c. Fruit group; d. Milk, yogurt and cheese group; e. Meats, poultry, fish, dried beans, eggs and nuts group; f. Fats, oils and sweets group

3. Overview of Food Components

a. Proteins; b. Carbohydrates; c. Fats; d. Vitamins; e. Minerals; f. Photochemicals; g. Water

4. Factors That Influence Nutrition

a. Dietary supplements; b. Food additives; i. Preservatives;  ii. Artificial sweeteners; c. Culture; d. Physical and mental condition; e. Socioeconomic level

5. Safety and Sanitation

a. Food; i. Purchasing; 1) Labels; 2) Expiration date;  ii. Storing;  iii. Preparing;  iv. Serving; v. Handling; vi. Processing;  b. Water

6. Therapeutic Diets

a. Full liquid; b. Soft; c. Low carbohydrate; d. Low fat; e. Low cholesterol; f. Low calorie; g. High protein; h. Vegetarian; i. Other; j. Clear liquid.

 7. Practices That Affect Health

a. Diet programmes; i. Altering fat intake; ii. Altering protein intake; iii. Altering carbohydrate intake; b. Weight control fads and fallacies; i. Body wraps; ii. Chemicals; 1) Benzocaine; 2) Bulk producing agents; 3) Hormones; 4) Other; c. Eating disorders; i. Anorexia nervosa; ii. Bulimia; iii. Binge eating disorder.

8. Bahamian Eating Habits

a. Healthy; b. Unhealthy.

Required Text

Edlin, G., & Galanty, E. (2019). Health and wellness. 13th edition. Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 978-1284144130

Databases and Journals

Please check out the A-Z List of Databases 

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition 

Covers medical disciplines and information regarding prescription drugs, herbal remedies, and nutritional supplements.
Contains 650 full text journals and abstracts and indexing for more than 850 journals and the Lexi-PAL Drug Guide


Contains citations and abstracts to books and journal articles in all areas of agriculture. Provides access to literature acquired by the National Agricultural Library of the United States. Topics include entomology, plant science, forestry, aquaculture, fisheries, farming, agricultural economics, food and nutrition.
Date Coverage: Books: 1970 - present. Journals: 1979 - present.
Fulltext: No


AGRIS (Agricultural sciences and technology) identifies worldwide references to journals, books, and non-conventional materials (sometimes called "grey literature" e.g. theses, reports, etc.) covering all aspects of agriculture, forestry, plant and animal production, and food and nutrition.


Journals of interest for Nutirion and found in subscription databases include the following.

Check journal titles in the Publication Finder database on EbscoHost.

Journal of the American Dietetic Association

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Journal of Nutrition Education & Behaviour

New England Journal of Medicine

Journal of the American Medical Association

American Journal of Epidemiology


American Journal of Public Health

Nutrition Today

Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research

Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly

Websites with Nutriton Information

FoodData Central (formerly USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference)

US Dept. of Agriculture. Myplate [Website].

Canada's food guide [Website]. [Website].

Nutrition Values for Common Foods. [Website].

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Eatright. [Website].

AARP [Website].

Alberta Ministry of Health [Website].

PDR Prescribers Digital Reference [Website].