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Harry C. Moore Library Guide: Find A Book or eBook

Finding A Book

To find a book at one of your branch libraries, you should first search our Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC),



Connect to the UB University Libraries site (

On the right hand side of the page, scroll to the bottom and select Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)


1.  On the OPAC home page, you will see that there are six (6) different search tabs to use when trying to locate content in the library.

2.  You begin by simple typing a KEY word that pertains to the content you are searching for, in the search box and click the Search button.

3.  Doing this brings a list of all the content that each library branch have on that particular KEY word. For example: 

Book Icon        Birds of the water, sea, and shore / Sandra D. Romashko ; illustrations by Diana Manning.

                                        Romashko, Sandra D. 


                                        multiple holdings available

4.  Clicking on the title, gives you the content information, such as where to find it, if the content is available, number of copies, etc.

There are many different types of searches that you can do in the OPAC;

  • Basic Search – This allows you to search a single search term. The drop menu next to the search field allows you to search for the words that you put in anywhere in the book record or in a specific place (e.g. title, author).

  • Advanced Search – This allows you to combine search terms.

  • Subject – This allows you to search for various topics and tells you how many books we have on any topic.

  • Author – If you have an author in mind, this search will tell you how many books we have written by that person.

  • Course Reserves – This tab contains information on materials that instructors have placed on reserve.

  • New Books – This tab lets you know what new materials we have added to our collections lately.

Finding An eBook

The library has eBooks in its collection from EBSCOhost and Proquest Ebook Central. Information about these books are included in the Online Public Access Catalogue. To access eBooks off-campus you will be asked to log in with your UB email address and password.  

Proquest Ebook Central ebooks

  1. First visit the UB site (​),
  2. Click the ACADEMICS tab
  3. Click UB Libraries,
  4. On the right-hand column, under the “Reference Tools”, click on Proquest Ebook Central.

**When off campus you will be asked for a username and password. Enter your entire UB email address as the username and the password for the same.  If you changed the password during the initial log in, use the new password that you created.**

  1. On the ebrary homepage, in this example we will be searching "global warming"
  2. A list of available searches will display on the screen for you to choose from.
  3. After you have located the content that you wish to read, you will notice a number of available options to the right of the title before clicking on the content. In this case we will be looking at Debatabase Book by Editors of IDEA. Placing your cursor over the images one by one will tell you what you are able to do.

Clicking on the title, opens the content displaying all the information about the content. You can either read the content online, download the content (you must have an account), share the link of the book, cite the book or add the book to your bookshelf (you must have an account)


1. To download an eBook, click "Full Download".

2. After clicking this, you will be prompted to login, if you don't have an account you can sign up for one using you UB email and password.

3. You will then follow a 3-step process: (A) Choose your device; (B) Be sure that Adobe Digital Editions is installed to your computer or device and (C) Choose the amount of days you wish to download for.